Thursday, July 09, 2009

Finally The Day Has Come...

that David has been waiting soooo long for...
Wesley is old enough to play trains with him now!

I on the other hand, will be waiting for the day that they both can help with chores around the house ; )


Becky said...

Yay! Now they can start fighting over them!'s been that kind of day over here. ;)

Julie Tiemann said...

Hee hee. SO cute.

I agree - that's why we have kids, right? In the olden days they had them to work the fields, we have them to empty the dishwasher. ;)

angela said...

Hi! Long time not chat. I have been busy and got out of the blogging habit but I am trying to get back in. Your boys are so stinkin cute! They have grown so much since the last time I checked in. Hope all is well.