Monday, June 29, 2009

Bulldawg Dreams

Future Center?Or Future Center!
UGA National Championship Class of 2027


Julie Tiemann said...

Okay, I know NOTHING about football, but I do know cuteness when I see it. :)

Lauren said...

I vote for the B-ball!!!! What a cutie pie!!! Thanks for your post on my blog---I'm going to look at my schedule and talk with you soon about when we can get together--miss you!!!!

Dallas said...

andrea, i still think he's going to be a gymnast. no one can bend like wesley. maybe he could star in a gymnastics movie called "bend it like denton." get it? ;-) btw, sutton got david's "letter" in the mail. that was so cute. when i can get sutton in the "right mood" i will send one your way.

melanie said...

Either way works, long as he is wearing the right colors!!! Ha!

Tara said...

aww, so cute!

The Rempe Family said...

Gosh.. this was all cute until I saw class of 2027! Then I had a little anxiety... won't we all have flying cars then or the Jetson, bank-tube-like transport system?