Saturday, December 29, 2007

Feliz Cumpleanos A Ti

Happy Birthday Dad (Pop, Papa John)


Anonymous said...

mmmm, love mexicana fare! ARIBE!chips and salsa is like a drug to me. i can't stop friggin' eating 'em. i will get bowl after bowl of chips and then my meal comes and i am not hungry any more! anyways, where was i?

ahhh, yes, tu Padre! Feliz Cumpleanos! Hope he had a really great day. :)

Dallas said...

your dad still looks exactly the same, andrea! your mom does, too, for that matter. good to see you all had a fun christmas. we are in santa fe and will head home on tuesday.

Tara said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. We love us some mexican food, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jason! Much love to ya on your special day from our family. Have a great one!