Friday, May 23, 2008


Its a simple question, really. When asked over, and over, and over again, it can drive anyone batty. This is David's most favorite thing to ask all day long. I usually go through a series of three "why's?" before I just don't have any more answers. For a while he would stop when we would just answer with "the end". Now he says "No mommy, a book says the end". Jason has even resorted to using the phrase he promised himself he would never say; "because I said so!". But by the time Jason comes home from work I have answered this question for ten hours straight! I pray this phase ends relatively soon...


Beckman Bulletin said...

I am so sorry. I understand. Bobby's favorite right now is "What's that?" Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

girl- it don't ever end. Yesterday i was at Ma's and i was rifling thru her freezer looking for popsicles. and she all, i don't have any and i'm all, but WHY!!!??


Happy Memorial Day weekend. :)

Katie at CuppaJoe

Caron said...

I too wish I could give you some reassuring news... but when you have been asked "Mommy, why is orange?" it kinda kills all hope. I mean really... how do you answer that? Oh, and p.s., 'because that's the way God made it' works well too. Just FYI.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the advice Caron, but we've actually tried that and apparently "because that's the way God made it" doesn't cut it for David! I've even tried following up with an "I don't know you'll have to ask God why" and that's still not good enough!

Chris said...

Too funny! I love the comments between you and Caron too. I just can't wait for that stage. Have you gotten the "Where do babies come from" question yet? YIKES!

Hope you're having a better weekend then we are over here.


The Partins said...

yea...I get those questions too... FROM DARYL. He LOVES to mess with me and play the "why?" game...yea, so guys NEVER out grow it!!! You know what my answer always is??? "Because." so after about 15 times of "why? because. why? because. why? because." he stops. :-) At least when her is older, you can say "I don't know honey, why don't you go research that at the Library and right me a 2 page paper on your findings?" Then he will stop asking. bwahahaha

Angela said...

We are kind of having the same things with Luke except everything you say he responds "No". Even if that is not the usual response he says no. I remember Kade being in this stage and one answer seemed to always led to the next and I would finally just get quiet and then 5 minutes later it would start again. Do not worry because when he gets to the age of 6 he will be telling you everything!!!! ;).

Chris said...

Hey, I was just checking out the Goodrow blog and saw the pics from Ethan's Baptism. You looked GORGEOUS! Hello!? You need to post some pics of you on your blog! Loved that color dress on you too. Are you counting the days????? :)