Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Look Who Showed Up Yesterday

Wish I could say I had something to do with it, but I got as far as Jason's office when Granny called to say the well company finally showed up. Lucky for them 'cause I would have been good and mad after a 2 hour drive to their office. They got 285 ft. down yesterday before it was quittin' time. No water yet...but I expect them back any minute now...will I get to take a shower, run a load of laundry, or wash some dishes tonight? The saga continues...


Becky said...

Okay I get the whole self-sufficient thing--my in-laws use a well--but where the heck is all your water?????

Becky said...

Also, I am glad you have that dirt track so that truck didn't have to drive all over your sod!

Amanda said...

I bet they were scared if they saw you take a photo of them. ("Um, this woman is making sure we work. Let's get this done and outta here!") :)

Andrea said...

Amanda-they actually weren't here at the time of the photo-they left the truck here overnight-photo was taken early in the morning.

Amanda said...

Oh, okay. I know I felt funny taking a picture of our truck that day that I parked poi-fectly. It was a blog moment though.