Monday, October 02, 2006

No, Diego, No!

The kids show "Go, Diego, Go" should come with the disclaimer "Don't try this at home". This morning Diego saved an anaconda and wrapped the snake around his neck stating they "are really good at giving hugs". Say what? Anacondas kill their prey by constricting!


Amanda said...

Good grief. I witnessed Sesame Street once encouraging burping!! They said the family that burps together, stays together. (I thought that was "prays" together instead!)

Um, maybe should tell them that ISN'T a good idea. Especially when we have boys who tend to like creepy things like that anyway. "Yes son, wrap that deadly snake around your neck. Certainly don't run. He's your friend."

Mandy said...

Hahahah!! That is hilarious. You know, so long as no one actually trys it...

Amanda said...

Whatever happened to a good lesson on how to leave snakes ALONE?! Geez...will definetly have to keep that in mind for when Beau and I have kids. Maybe you should tell David he can love snakes--just from a distance:)

Becky said...

Like his cousin Dora, who frequently takes "walks" without Mama or Papa...

Amanda said...

Gage and I are watching Arthur right now and they found a snake in the dog's bowl. They picked the bowl up and the snake was INCHES from their face. It was "only" a king snake....but NO snake is good to me. As if little ones can understand that some are good or bad based on their stripes. I guess this means absolutely no TV until they are in the Boy Scouts.