Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Animal Confusion

Due to Easter, last week David learned how to recognzie bunnies by their large ears and that they hop.
This is a puzzle I bought David at Target a few days ago. His first time playing with it he proceeds to dump it over pick up the zebra and say "hop, hop, hop" while he bounces it across the floor. I start laughing and say "No, that's a zebra, they gallop like horses." Then I look a little closer...
...and I think to myself-huh, well that does kinda look like what you might get if you crossed a bunny and a zebra (note the inexplicably large ears). Jason tries to point out the stripes, and I'm thinkin' yeah, but tigers have stripes too, and you can't use the black and white angle because there are white tigers. I guess trying to teach a 1 1/2 year old that this animal is not a bunny is kinda like trying to teach a 2 almost 3 year old that Peppermint Patty is not a dude.


Becky said...

Yeah Patrick got them all mixed up for a long time...I don't remember when he eventually sorted them out, but they do figure it out on their own...eventually. ;)

Anonymous said...

ain't it the truth, girl! ha! too funny! yes, sometimes in life ya gotta except that zebras are rabbits and "pep-mint" Patty is a frickin' dude. :)

Anonymous said...

How cute!! When we ride in the car Luke moos at every animal that we pass. Most of the time it is cows, but what can you do at this age. Good Luck.