Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Mother's Love

This week was full of highs and lows. I'm living in "survival mode" just doing what is necessary to get by because I'm still in a little bit of shock about everything that has happened to me. I keep telling people that "my brain has turned to mush!" But...with each new day I am getting better and stronger. I overdid it one day this week and paid for it the next day. Lesson learned.

Jason had to go out of town for work a few days this week, but my mom and Jason's mom took turns staying out here with me. I have seen the depths of these two mother's love for me and its awe inspiring! They continue to push themselves to the limit by helping me cook, clean, and take care of the kids all the while sacrificing their own chores at home (not to mention some much needed rest). I have a lot to live up to in these two great women.

David had a definite rough patch this week. He's not able to express his feelings about how all of this has affected him (i.e. I was scared, I didn't like being away from home and my own bed, etc.) and so his emotions have built up and unfortunately he takes it out on me. I think we have made some progress though. "Fixing" these behavioral problems is my top priority right now, and I know firsthand the healing a mother's love can do!

Here are my two favorite highs from this week. A picture of a gift David made for me at school for Valentine's (aka "Valentimes") Day, and a new video of Wesley. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you and the recovery. I'm sure the whole family is exhausted and I'm praying for strength for all of you... including the wonderful mommies.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you Andrea and praying that your recovery is going well. You are very lucky to have your moms to help out. I am also lucky to know the sacrifices my mother would make for me...which means we both have allot to live up to!

Good luck with David. I know how hard emotional problems are at that age but children are resiliant. Wes is growing like a weed! Too cute!

Tara said...

The video is cute and so is David's gift. Keep getting better and thank goodness for our Mom's!

Julie Tiemann said...

SO cute. I love the video - both of your kids are so handsome!

I'm sorry you're still feeling under the weather. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be with two active little boys. I'm so glad you have some wonderful moms to help you out - you deserve it!

MBKimmy said...

Still praying for you, hoping that all of you get into your happy places soon!

Goodrow Gang said...

Wesley! Such a big boy blowing those raspberries. You are doing a phenominal job mothering your kids and recovering all at the same time. Can't wait till you are all better! Yeah for awesome Moms!