Saturday, November 08, 2008

David Meets Hairy Dawg

We had so much fun at last year's UGA basketball exhibition game, we decided to go again this year. This year Joel and Elena decided to join us. David wasn't quite as overwhelmed this time so he was able to really get into it!
David was very intent on the game. If people would stand up and cheer in front of him, he would look at us and say "I can't see!"
He would even clap when Georgia would score! He sat on the edge of his seat because he is still not big enough/heavy enough to keep the seat from folding in on him.Once again, he enjoyed watching the cheerleaders/dance team and he would often tell us he wanted them to come back out and do another routine.The Pep Band.

Last year David met Spike, and this year he got to have his picture taken with Hairy Dawg. He could have had one taken with the cheerleaders too, but he was too shy. As you can see, we barely got this one!

Or, it could be the fact that lately he HATES getting his picture taken as evidenced above. He had his picture taken at school this week and his teachers told me he was not too thrilled about it. I asked him if he smiled and he said "No, I made a frowny face." Oh how he reminds me of myself when I was a kid!
I did manage to capture one without him knowing though-sneaky mommy ;)

Wesley did really good too! It was really bright and loud in there but he was a trooper. I tried to cover his ears when the announcer came over the loud speaker or the band played.

And it must have worked too because despite all the noise, he fell asleep! We missed you Julie and Ethan, but it looks like this has become a tradition for us so there's always next year!


Tara said...

Cute pictures of David, adversion tactics and all. Wesley looks so sweet too.

Becky said...

So fun! I remember my dad taking us to UGA basketball games when we were little...I guess we went to those because it was less popular (read: cheaper!) than GA football. My brother David always had a big UGA basketball team poster on his wall. Anyway, glad you had fun!

P.S. Elena's eyelashes! Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! Luke also refused to have his photo made at school. He would not sit in the chair. He stood there with a awful face and his head turned!!!

Dallas said...

i remember you not liking your picture taken in high school! don't know why- you have a lovely face. david is handsome as well.

Andrea said...

Tara-Thanks! I had the camera ready for the next slam dunk-he always turned to us and smiled at those!

Becky-yes, the exhibition games are free so is is VERY cheap entertainment! You should see Elena's eyelashes in person-she will never ever need mascara or and eyelash curler!

Angela-our boys HAVE to meet. They are two peas in a pod.

Dallas-I guess it is the perfectionist in me-I can always find something wrong with my pictures-that is why there aren't too many of me on this here blog!

Lauren said...

Looks like fun!! Wesley is getting so big, and so cute!! David's pics are still so cute, even if he won't smile;) Oh, and I remember you never liking your pics either....even though they were great :)