Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Men and Long Hair

My hairstylist likes tease me about having "husband hair"-meaning I keep my hair the way my husband likes it (long). This is mostly true. Jason freqently has a pep talk with me before I go to the salon about how much I will cut off and tells me not to distract my hairstylist so she doesn't cut off too much! However, part of me is afraid of how I would look with short hair (when I was younger and in my tomboy phase I had really short hair-It looked awful). Now I have another man in my life (David, of course!) who is unusally attached to my long hair as well. For awhile now he has been playing with my hair while he nurses (pray for me...I just started weaning this week). However, his newest game is to take both hands and mess up my hair really good to where it is all in my face and he can't see me. Then he takes a handful at a time away until he can see my face again. I guess this is his version of "peek-a-boo". It may be awile before I can get up the nerve to chop off all my hair!


Amanda said...

Lol! Beau likes my hair a certain length and a certain shade. When I cut my hair short, he went into hair shock. It was hilarious! Now he dreads me going to the salon...he always calls to make sure I didn't do anything "drastic."

Andrea said...

Amanda-Jason likes my hair a certain shade too! Okay now you have a profile...time to start blogging!

Amanda said...

Andrea-I have started blogging! check it out at

Amanda said...

How funny! Tim is the SAME way. Lucky for me I did my own thing! Believe it or not he actually LOVES it now! Men - they just "THINK" they know what they want!

Amanda said...

I don't do short hair very well. :( I always try it though every time my hair gets long, then swear I'll never do it again. It does seem like all men love long hair!

Becky said...

Mine is about shoulder-length right now...I don't know if that counts as long or short...but Luke told me yesterday he really liked it and I should keep it that length. Who knew???