Sunday, September 24, 2006

Raw Buffalo Burgers

Me and Amanda

Beau and Amanda

Justin, Beau and Amanda, Me and Jason "All in the Family"

Yesterday reminded me of the movie "Fever Pitch" where Jimmy Fallon's character is interviewed on ESPN about how the Red Sox rank in his life. He put the Red Sox above breathing. I put Georgia football above showering ("Don't judge, you don't know"). Yep, that's right folks our well ran dry again (we knew it would, but the timing was less than perfect). So I apologize for my appearance in these pictures-Jason and I hardly ever get to go out and besides these tickets were my birthday present.

Jason's friend Clint rode with us-he was the photographer...I'll have to get some pictures of him next time. We met up with Jason's cousin's Justin and Beau, and future cousin-in-law Amanda(visit her on my links "hoodie hoopla"). Tailgating was great as always and then we headed to the stadium. It was a great game, well at least the last 40 seconds were. Georgia barely sneaked by with a win against Colorado. I prefer my meat cooked medium well, but the dawgs apparently like their buffalo burgers raw.


Amanda said...

Hey, the pictures turned out great! Lol, yeah, I know we committed the sin of leaving early. I'm having a hard time forgiving myself too, given how the game turned out. Justin was feeling sickt, and I wasn't feeling so hot either, and Beau was gonna bust an artery given how the game was going, so we left. A poor excuse, I know:) However, we were wondering what ya'll plans for next week's game at Ole Miss were??? Gonna be watching on the big screen? Can Beau and I come visit ya'll(um, and thereby mooch off the big screen)? We promise we will bring food!!!

Andrea said...

Amanda-come one come are always welcome!

Anonymous said...

We suffered through the game, too..and committed the sin of leaving early! But, we got to listen to Larry call the end (only exciting) part of the game, so it was worth it in a way! And then we got stuck in the AWFUL traffic on 85 where they shut down the highway...4 hours and a major sun burn later we got home from Athens!

Andrea said...

Jessica-yeah I got some sun burn too which is crazy 'cause our seats are in the shade! Must have been tailgating and the walk to and from the stadium.

Amanda said...

I think we need some pant clarification:) Justin was wearing red and white searsucker pants which are very popular among the frat boys.

Becky said...

Hey now, just about anything ranks above showering for me these days!!!!

Amanda said...

Looks like fun!!!!