Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I'm thinking about applying this Shel Silverstein poem to my least favorite chore.


Becky said...

Oh, but you look so pretty as you're doing it! ;)

Amanda said...

Love the turkey, Becky. Look who's quick on the draw!

Think about the additional ironing once all our kids are in school. Ironing at night, getting up and out the door EARLY.

Oh wow, speaking of ironing...I gotta get on that like RIGHT NOW; the boys are having their photos made tomorrow.

Amanda said...

Yeah, I'm already checking the blog for that photo girlfriend. :)

Bethany said...

I hate ironing too! When Josh and I frirt married, I would spend Sunday evenings picking out and ironing his clothes. He's color blind, so I felt the need to help him dress so that I wasn't embarrassed when he walked in the door. (j/k) But after a while, I decided that he could dress himself and wear gray and brown together if he wanted!