Friday, May 25, 2007

Good Manners

Yesterday David and I went to Elena's house to watch her while her parents were working. I have to share this conversation I had with her...

Elena: "Shoosenee Andrea."

Me: "What's that, you want me to choose you?"

Elena: "No, shoosenee"

Me: "What do you want me to do with your shoes?"

Elena: "No, I said shoosenee"

Me: "I'm sorry Elena, I don't understand what you saying."

Elena: "Shoosenee means someone is in the way and they need to move."

*At this point I realize she was saying "excuse me" and begin laughing uncontrollably at her explanation of the phrase*


Anonymous said...

Too Cute! The interpreter, AKA mom, wasn't there. There are some things only Mommy can understand.

Anonymous said...

Next time Paulie's in my way I'm just gonna tell him, "Shooshnee!" I like it. We missed you today! Maybe next time! :)

Tara said...

That's adorable. Glad your day with Elena and David was good.

Hey, as a side, I saw Kristin, Ryan, and their baby when we were going to dinner tonight.... small world!

Anonymous said...

Cute. I agree with Mel you sometimes need mom to let everyone know what is being said.

Bethany said...

That is so cute!!! I can't believe she told you the meening of what she was trying to say. What a smart little girl - with great manners! I was in Hobby Lobby the other day and struck up a conversation with another mom and her 2 1/2 year old son who said something that I couldn't understand. His mother leaned down and whispered something in his ear and he looked back up and said, "I'm sorry, I need to annunciate." I was amazed!!!