Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sweet Dreams

I never really thought about what David might dream about until just the other day. After he woke up, and I got him out of his crib, the first thing he said was "choo-choo school". Then, as if I didn't hear him, he put his hands on my cheeks, centered my face with his, made sure I was looking right into his eyes, and repeated the phrase several times. It really didn't surprise me that he would dream about trains...but seriously, train school? Hey, he can get an engineering degree at Georgia too ya know...


MBKimmy said...

Choo Choo him and Thomas ... how fun would that be?! I wonder what Tatum is dreaming about too!

MBKimmy said...

PS - first!

Tara said...

That's so cute. You really weren't kidding about him liking trains.

MBKimmy said...

Crocs - they are wonderful ... my back hurt so bad when I was preggo - got the crocs it was all better! I have 6 pair I think ... 5 or 6~!
By the way ... ya'll try not to beat us too bad this weekend!

Anonymous said...

joe has crazy dreams about scooby-doo. shocker, i know. ;)

Andrea said...

Oh no Katie! All from that one video, huh?

Anonymous said...

How cute! Atleast he knew to tell you.

Katy S. said...

AWW. How sweet.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a sign that he will go to the school that is on his train shirt in the previous blog!