Saturday, December 30, 2006

Emoticons : ) : / : (

Yesterday David and I had a play date with Amanda, my sorority sister and college roomie, and her son Davis who is only 6 days older than David. For me it was a much needed diversion from playing at our train table all day, even if David still wanted to play choo-choo's most of the time : ) It took a little while for David to get acclimated to his new environment (despite having been there several times-although he was probably too young to remember) but once he did, he immersed himself in toy heaven-well all except Davis' cool moonwalk castle. David was too afraid to play inside : ( We let the boys play together a little bit, and then headed off to eat lunch and visit a children's boutique where they were already selling Easter outfits! We went back to their house and let the boys play some more all the while trying to get just one good picture of them playing together, but they were not interested in any one thing at the same time : / When it was time to say our goodbyes, like always I asked myself "why don't we do this more often"?


Anonymous said...

me and you totally have the same hair now. the color looks great on you. sweet pic of you and David. he's getting so grown up looking.
Very cool that him and D are so close in age and that you have stayed friends with your sistah girl, amanda. I myself was a Tri-Delt a very long time ago. and i have no idea what's going on with all my old sisters. but i was only in the soriority for a year before i transferred schools. it sure was fun though while it lasted! woohooooooooooooo!

Becky said...

I was going to ask if your hair was different--I like it!
So D and D are only a few months older than Ben, yet they seem WAAAAAYYYYYYYY ahead of him developmentally. Ben is not even allowed in Patrick's room anymore, because he doesn't go vroom-vroom with the train set like your boys are doing--he annihilates it. I think my boys are just violent. Where could they have gotten that tendency?

Andrea said...

Actually I haven't done anything different to my hair. That picture was taken with Amanda's camera and I think the lighting might have also affected the looks of it in that picture.

Amanda said...

Wow, David looks like he's about 3 yrs old in that close-up! Aren't playdates awesome?! I agree that it's so easy to let time slip away and you wonder why you don't have playdates more often.

Bethany said...

Oh, I'm so sorry we missed it!!! We'll have to try for another day soon. Like you said, we should do it more often. Hope you guys had a happy New Year!!