Monday, January 01, 2007

Two for One Party

Oma playing referee

The finger hold

Presents for the birthday boy

Daisy soaking up the attention

Uncle Jason playing bristle blocks with nephew Ben

Yesterday we had our family celebration for my Dad's birthday. As usual my parents prepared a feast for all of us. How blessed I am to have two parents who cook so well. David and Ben tried my mom's famous lasagna and both loved it and scarfed it down not wanting to try anything else on the menu. At one point Ben began telling us how much he liked the lasagna and my Dad said "Its Italian", and Ben replied "No, its lasagna". He also tried another clever trick. He grabbed a piece of chocolate from my mom's candy dish, walked back to the bed he would be taking a nap in, and slipped it under the pillow for later. He only made it halfway back to the living room before he decided he couldn't wait any longer to eat it. Dad got some pretty good gifts-a nice shirt, some coffee capsules for his nespresso system , a 2007 Stone Mountain Park pass, and a gift certificate to Borders. Happy 60th Birthday Dad! After David went to bed for the evening the festivities switched to a New Year's celebration and we broke out the champagne, which I believe was part of the reason none of us could stay up until midnight. We spent the night and I even got to see Katie and Joe for a few hours today...come back tomorrow for pictures from our visit!


Amanda said...

I love that story of him sneaking a chocolate for later! Yum, I could go for some lasagna right now!

Becky said...

I know, that is too funny that he decided not to wait!

Anonymous said...

yep, that's right- ole Dr. Dre came to party in my 'hood yesta-day. and she was kickin' it old school.
your dad is so sweet and i love that idea of the Stone Mtn. Park pass as a gift. what a great present! and he walks the mtn. pretty often, doesn't he? great gift idea!!!