Monday, January 15, 2007

M(i)LK Edition

In the spirit of passing along good any good deals/information I come across, I present the first edition of my personal public service announcements. Jason has a friend/co-worker who's wife is a pharmacist. Several years ago during a social event, a woman was asking the pharmacist about hormone replacement therapy. (This may be too much information for any male readers so I apologize in advance.) The woman was menopausal and having all sort of hormone related heath issues. The pharmacist began telling her she definitely needed to be drinking organic milk. Then she began telling all of the women(of all ages) of the group we all should be drinking organic milk. She explained that "regular" milk is made from cows who have been pumped with hormones to get the cows to produce more milk and produce it for longer than they would naturally during the course of their lives. You can see where this goes. The hormones end up in the milk we drink. She said " Have you noticed how young girls develop earlier and earlier these days?" That was enough to convince me so I began buying/drinking organic milk. Immediately I was taken aback at the difference in taste. It was incredible! Organic milk is sweeter and richer- "the way nature intended". It also lasts longer (check the dates next time you are at the grocery store). Now it does cost more, but I truly believe it is worth it. The pharmacist mentioned what happens to girls, but of course having a son has led me to think about how the hormones would affect boys as well. Of course I am no expert on this subject and I definitely encourage you to make the decision that best suits your family. However, if you'd like to learn a little more about the benefits of organic milk you can start here. Oh and since this public service announcement is the MLK edition, you should also know they do make organic milk in all sorts of flavors!


Becky said...

Uh-oh...I'm afraid to ask which one it was!!! ;)

Andrea said...

no don't be was the comment about liking milk (on my random post).

Amanda said...

Ok Andrea - This post makes me think you have WAY too much time on your hands! LOL! I love you girl!

Becky said...

So, does this mean that regular milk will put off menopause for me? Because I certainly don't want to be "of child-bearing age" any longer than I have to be!!!!

Anonymous said...

becky- your first comment baffles me. you're afraid to ask what what was? i read this post over and over to try and figure it out...hmmmm....interesting ;)

anyways, about this milk thing..come to think of it i have noticed that joe is already growing chest hair. i thought nothing of it at first, but maybe you're on to something! haha! i kid.

i love my mayfield skim milk, so unless joe starts growing a goattee i'll stick wit dat, girl!
but good info. and i believe it about the girls. i remember my 4th graders looked like highschoolers with way bigger chests than me, actually that ain't sayin' much becuz i ain't got that much but you know what i mean. :)

Becky said...

Katie--it was a response to an e-mail Andrea sent. I'm sure it makes no sense whatsoever!

Andrea said...

Katie-yes I was telling Becky she inspired this post when she commented she liked to drink milk.

Becky-not sure about it putting off menopause...

Amanda-um, yeah thanks for the bankhanded compliment. I gotta put something new up or the blog police will be all up in my grill!

Andrea said...

Katie-oh and I was thinking in terms of how boys would be more feminine from the hormones, not more masculine!

Amanda said...

That is really interesting to me - I never thought about all the hormones we're getting from the cows! Makes total sense. I'm gonna check on the organic stuff tomorrow when I get groceries. I've always thought about that stuff as being for tree-hugger types and not worrying about the extra stuff....until now!

You can keep the public service announcements coming!

Anonymous said...

well, excuuuuuuse me, ms. thang!
haha!! no, you're right, i am a total airhead sometimes. this i do admit. :)

Anonymous said...

plus it was a joke, so there :)

Anonymous said...

wait- maybe this is why joe's been wanting to put on dresses and highheels lately..ahh, shizz!
girl, where do i get that milk!??
like can i get it at kroger or what? i am being serious. and i bet soy milk is good too. i have heard it is really sweet.

Andrea said...

Amanda-I too thought it was only for tree huggers, until the pharmacist told us about it! Milk is the only organic thing I buy though.

Katie-you can get it anywhere. Kroger, Publix, Target, Wal-Mart, etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm switching...particularly because it lasts longer. I have the hardest time finishing a gallon before part of it goes bad.
--Laura P

Andrea said...

Laura-when we lived in the 'boro and had to travel to atl every weekend we poured out quite a bit of milk that had gone bad before we could drink it all. We have never ever had to throw out any organic milk. Another justification to the higher cost.