Thursday, January 25, 2007

Have A Code Edition

I received a request via e-mail for another Public Service Announcement. I'll try to keep 'em coming as best I can! Here goes nothing...

There has been a lot of news coverage lately about kidnappings/missing persons cases. I can't help but think back to my own childhood and a simple, yet effective system that my parents used. If we were to go anywhere with an adult, whether we knew them or not, they must know "the code". Ours happened to be the title of a television show that was not very well known. Back in the day school systems didn't have a sign-in policy or a list of names of trusted adults who might pick up your child from school. Anyone could waltz in the front office, claim that there was an emergency involving a student's parents, but that they were a relative of the family, and drive off with a child. I don't think this sort of thing is likely to happen today, but of course there are other ways to abduct a child. My parents also knew that just because they were friends with an individual does not mean that they would trust them with their children. In the event of an emergency, or a rare case in which my parents could not be there to take me somewhere, a trusted adult would be told our code. And so if someone were to drive up to me, whether I knew them or not, as I was riding my bike to a friend's house or walking home from the bus stop, and say to me "would you help me find my puppy?" I would simply ask; "what is the code?" This is something I will definitely practice with my child(ren) as well.


Becky said...

Wd had a code too--ours was "Peppi"--it was the name of my grandparents' chihuaua. Luckily I never had to use it!

I still don't trust schools in this regard--and I work in one! It is way too easy to get a child into your car without anyone even knowing that you're there! NOT speaking from experience here...

Anonymous said...

geez, everybody's gotta be Debbie frickin' Downer, man....hehe, kidding:) good service announcement, my that's sure to induce nightmares if i needed more to worry about, andrea!!! haha!
the schools need to get it together. we live in a very different world.

Amanda said...

I've heard about the code thing and want to teach the boys that. I hadn't thought about it, but Logan is probably old enough now to learn this.

Katie, I sometimes call Joe "Daddy Downer" because of his insights sometimes!

Anonymous said...

oh, and becks...suuuuuuure you ain't speakin' from experience. yeah, right! you know you want to steal kids so you can have more in the house-changing clothes all day! haha!

Andrea said...

Sorry to disappoint Katie, but come back tomorrow for a lighter first friday's feast!

Tara said...

That's a good idea that I never heard of. Thanks for sharing.

Amanda said...

Speaking of the feast, where do y'all get those questions? I actually enjoy reading those because it's something that you typically wouldn't know about a person. :)

Andrea said...

Amanda-you can google it or go to

Anonymous said...

This was a great PSA, Andrea! :o)

Anonymous said...


At our school everyone who is not an employee must sign in. They sign into a computer which takes their picture. Also, we check driver's liceneses and the name must be on the student's record. But that's not full proof. We have unlocked outside doors. However, we have done a good job of checking anyone who we don't know. To the point of making them mad actually!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.