Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dinner With Friends

We had a few friends come over for dinner the other night. Jason still likes to feed them whenever he can. No need to turn on your speakers (unless you want to hear background noise). There's even a food fight to keep it interesting ; ) Enjoy!


Tara said...

That's so cool. I've never seen that many deer in one place before. Glad you caught the food fight too.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love some dear, girl!! joe would have loved seeing them close up like that!

Chris said...

That is pretty cool!

Andrea said...

Tara-me neither (except maybe at a petting zoo). We usually on have 3 or 4 at a time visit-that night there were 10+!

The Partins said...

oh deer!!!!

sorry. that was bad. I blame the paint fumes.

Andrea said...

Lori-no apologies needed-I love a good pun ; )

Anonymous said...

It's like providing dinner for the dinner.... whoa.