Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I Just Couldn't Resist...

...posting this recent picture of David with his awesome Godparents; Carol and Father Jack.


Amanda said...

How cute! They all look so comfortable and happy!

Anonymous said...

so, i'm looking at this picture wondering why it is that fr. jack looks so different to me and then i realize it's the first time i've seen him without his priest outfit on!! he always wears it. weird, man. :)he looks thinner too. but it's an adorable picture. david has awesome godparents, doesn't he? :)

Andrea said...

Katie-it was the first time I saw him without his clerics/collar too! He was on his way back from priest retreat so that is why he is dressed like that.

Tara said...

I had to look at it a few times to realize that was Fr. Jack too. I've never seen his arms. Great picture.

Anonymous said...

yeah, andrea. i gotta say it freaked my freak seeing him without his usual black and white ensemble. kinda like how i never thought priests took showers and stuff till MA told me that they're real people too and that they have to go to the bathroom and stuff like the rest of us. :)

Anonymous said...

David looks content with Fr. Jack holding him. I know they don't see each other often. Did David warm up to Fr. Jack easily?

Andrea said...

Mom-yes he did. He was on his best behavior that night for whatever reason...he go to anybody and everybody, give hugs to complete strangers, and was content just to eat some food and play with his toys...he has definitely made up for it though these past few days...