Saturday, February 24, 2007

In the Zone

Lara and Will

The Birthday Boy

Nana and Ben

Rachel and Taylor, the birthday girl

Connor, Ben, and Taylor eating cake

Grandy shows Ben his new baseball and glove

Today we went to Jump Zone to celebrate my nephew Ben's upcoming birthday. He had a party with his friend Taylor who celebrated her birthday earlier this month. My sister Lara and Taylor's mom Rachel go to the same church and have most of the same friends so it made sense to have the party together and split the cost. On Tuesday Ben will officially be out of the terrible two's and into the ____ three's? Someone help me out with that please. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENNETT!


Tara said...

Lara looks fantastic after having Will. Looks like a fun party. I've heard if the two's are good then the three's are terrible. Cole has the terrible and tortuous three's. His two's were a cake walk, so it seemed.

Anonymous said...

how about "whacked out, outta their damn minds, drivin' mom crazy as all get out" threes. yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

Anonymous said...

hey, let me ask you- did they like the jump zone? i hate that place. my nephew ben had his party there when he turned 6 and they were insane. i felt like my head was going to explode. by the end of the party, there were 2 bloody noses and a chipped tooth.

Anonymous said...

Is "Nana" your mom or Jason's mom?

Andrea said...

Actually Nana is Drew's mom (Ben's daddy's mom) It was her father that passed away the same day her grandson Will was born.

Amanda said...

Yeah, I gotta say that Logan's three's were harsh at times. I think he had a minimum of 5 major meltdowns per day. I probably found a corner to sob in only 1-2 times though. :) Two's are still baby years when they are cute and cuddly, learning new words. Four's are more independent; they turn into a little man.

Amanda said...

Oh, and I gotta give props to your sister....she looks absolutely gorgeous (I was still carrying 20 extra pounds after each of my pregnancies and could find NOTHING to wear).

Becky said...

That was smart to share a birthday--good thinking girls! Yes, I'm thinking "Suicidal Three's" lacks the alliteration that it's supposed to have, but it's accurate.

Andrea said...

Katie-thankfully no one got hurt, but I wouldn't say I got a true feel for it though 'cause David is still too young to want to play in there.