Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh NBC, how stupid can you be?

I just watched the most anti-climatic hour of television. Jason and I love to watch the Apprentice, not because we would love to work for Donald Trump (although I admit it has some perks, namely the paycheck) but because we like to see which one of us comes up with the best idea for the task at hand. Its sort of our own mini competition. Anyway...we had already figured out which team was going to win this week due to last weeks "scenes from the next episode". (Good one NBC!) This season the losing team has to sleep outside in tents, while the winning team sleeps in one of trump's mansions, complete with a pool and hot tub. In order to preview a relationship that was developing they showed a couple (who is on the same team) at a hot tub together. They had lost the week before so it couldn't be happening before the task-Gee, I guess they win. The only other thing that could keep us on the edge of our seats was to see who might possibly get fired. In order to make more money and increase viewership NBC has a "text and win" game, where you text who (out of a possible 5 contestants) you think will get fired, and a selected winner gets $10,000. Out of those possible 5 contestants ONLY 1 of them was on the losing team! (Insert post title here) Gee, I wonder who gets fired. The only reason I kept watching is because I entered the text and win contest (since I knew who was going to be fired) via NBC's website since it is free (texting costs 99 cents per entry). I didn't win so my theory is that the free votes don't count...


Andrea said...

Okay so I typed this last night and re-wrote it today...I hope it makes sense!

Amanda said...

I love it...that is so dumb! I have seen previews before for shows like Survivor and they end up telling about next week's show. Hellloooo!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted it! I guess they figured people would be so distracted by the idea they might see people on the show hook up that they wouldn't notice it showed who won. Speaking of season promos, my favorite one ever (because of its ridiculousness) was for the Real World Austin. Here it is: "People (shots of people making out) WILL (shots of people making out) hook (shot of people making out) up (more shots of the same)." That was the whole promo and and it ran over and over and over again. It was RIDICULOUS!

Tara said...

I've been watching too and wondering why they have that dumb text game that gives away the losing team, practically. I don't know why I watch, I can't stand watching Trump's children speak. They all look so fake.